Monday, May 7, 2007

Hey everyone! I just thought Isend some recent pictures of Peyton. He is sitting up by himself now so he thinks he is pretty big now. He was 'helping' me fold laundry the other day but all he got accomplished was sucking Mitch's socks until they felt like they had just come out of the washing machine!

Mitch was trying to take a nap the other day but Peyton wouldn't let him so I got a cute picture.

Anyway things are going really well here and we just wanted to wish a happy birthday to everyone this month! May is a crazy month for birthdays on both sides of our family so Happy Birthday to everyone!!


Alison said...

Ash, He is SO cute! I remember the days folding laundry and they would sit on the bed between pillows and suck on the socks. :) Now they help put everything away and I love that they think it's a game to run up and down the stairs so I don't have to! I loved all the pictures and am so glad you posted them. What a cute one of him loving his dad!

Brigit said...

He keeps getting cuter and cuter. I don't understand how it is possible!! I can't wait to see him and kiss his chubby cheeks!!

When are you guys going to come and visit? We want you to come over the 4th of July - PLEASE!!!

Debbie said...

Peyton is a doll. I can't wait to see him this summer. Tell Mitch hi.