Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Peyton's jumper

Here are a few pictures that I took of Peyton today in his jumper. He loves it! He could jump for ever (notice the blanket under him, we have to put that there because our carpet is so hard he gets blisters and his toes start bleeding!! That's how into it he gets! Ha Ha)

His new thing lately is mutilating his bed...He pulls himself up and tries to escape, making the process of naptime a little more difficult. Normally, I just lay him down and he'll go right to sleep but now that he figured out that he can stand up by himself I have to work a little harder. I caught him in the act of trying to rip his bumper off, needless to say he thought it was pretty funny.

1 comment:

Alison said...

How cute! I remember when my kids used to peek out their bumper pads like that. I love it. And I love his tongue that is always sticking out! He is such a cute boy. And what a fun jumper! I've never seen one like that. Nice that you can take it in any room and not have him hanging from a doorway. I can't believe he jumps so hard that his toes bleed! Poor thing! That's cute he loves it so much.