Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hey everyone, it has been cute seeing everyone's school pictures! Peyton still has a few years to go but here's some recent pictures of him! They other day I was on the computer and Peyton was just playing in his room. He has a drawer in the bottom of his crib where I keep some of his clothes and diapers, anyway he pulled out all the diapers and climbed in!! I wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing, I could only hear in the background little giggles when I turned to find him successfully in his drawer!

We also went swimming with Dave and Al a while ago, Peyton was a little iffy about the water slide but he always has so much fun in the pool! I think he's a little young for waterslides! :)

Peyton and Julia ( my brothers little girl) were playing the piano the other day at my moms house. They were having the time of their lives pounding away!

Anyway, thing are going well at our house and good luck to everyone in school!!

P.S. - Katie tell Doug we're promoting Russell Electric. (notice Peytons hat). We'll send you the advertisement bill, available in gift cards from Home Depot, Lowes, Texas Roadhouse, the mall, or free work on our house! hee-hee

Kyler's Kindergarten

Hi all,
I've loved seeing your kid's first days of school. What an exciting time of year! Kyler loved Kindergarten yesterday and was really excited to ride the bus this morning. He should be home in about 45 minutes. I'm anxious to see how his 2nd day went.

I made your school-bus cupcakes, Brigit, and can I just say yours turned out a lot cuter than mine! The only black squeeze frosting I had kept coming out in globs. Needless to say we ruined a few school-busses trying to make it work and then gave up. :) (See my other blog.) But it was alot of fun making them and the kids loved it. So thank you for a fun idea! I hope Tyce's first week of first grade is going well. I'm sure it's a big adjustment for a kid to be gone most of the day!

And Katie, the crepe recipe looks fabulous. Dave asked for crepes for dinner the other night. And cute pictures of Dylan at school. I'm glad you got to go in with him. I wished I could've gone in with Kyler but his teacher said the room was much too crowded to have all the students and their moms. But I stayed a little while after Kyler went in so I could peek in and see how he was doing.

I hope all is well for everyone, with school and all. I would love to see more pictures of everyone, it's so fun. Debbie, let us know how it goes taking Michael to BYU. We're thinking of you. And good luck, Bev and Perry, with the move this weekend!

Lots of love,

P.S. I've been meaning to ask any of you if you have any links you want included on this blog? I have some on mine and it's so much faster to just open my blog and click than try to find the addresses again. Anyway, if any of you do I'd be happy to add them.

Dylan's First Day of 1st Grade

Dylan is now a first grader!!! I can't believe he is old enough to go to school all day. It is so crazy. His favorite part was lunch and recess. It sounds like he is taking after his mom! :)
His school was cancelled today which was a bummer. They didn't have water for some reason. We didn't know until they were at school though, so we didn't even get to sleep in.

So here is a recipe for crepes that I thought were yummy. This makes a lot so if you are just doing it for your family, I would half it. It is a good way to use up peaches. I love them with strawberries too.


4 eggs
2 cups flour
¼ cup sugar
1 cube margarine
3 cups milk
1 tsp salt

Mix in a blender and pour into a greased 6 inch round fry pan. Cook like a pancake and then put chopped strawberries, peaches or whatever fruit in middle with whipped cream. Roll up like a taco and eat. Yummy!

Monday, August 20, 2007

The First Day of First Grade

I can't believe that my baby is in first grade!! It was quite exciting today when I realized that the "full-time student" of the family wasn't Dan!! Tyce was so excited to use his new "backpack suitcase" and his new lunch box. Overall he had a fun day, but he was pretty tired when he got home.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Porter Park

We had a fun time at Porter Park with you all, and seeing Dan and Brigit and kids. We hope Tyce's head is feeling better! When does he get the staples out? Hope you're having a great trip in spite of that! Here are a couple pictures of a few of the kids on the merry-go-round. I wish I could've gotten pictures of all the kids. Anyway, it was fun to see you all.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Thanks to Everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone for all that you did for us on our trip! We really had a great time. Thank you Dan and Brigit for the nice beds, fun sightseeing trip, and great food. It was so nice to visit one on one with you. Thank you Dave and Allison for the great dinner and fun waterfight. (Jessica loved it!) Thank you Katie for a fun lunch and visits. Thank you Brett and Kara for the sleepovers and the great barbeque! Thank you Darrin for coming all the way up for a short visit and for all the help through construction. It was fun to see you on the job. Thank you Mitch and Ashley for patiently sharing Peyton with us. I also enjoyed the lunch visits with Dave and Mitch. I know everyone probably dreads us coming because of all the get togethers but it means a lot to me. Finally, thank you mom and dad for the food, camping trip, cards, and visit. I love all of you and can't wait to see you again next summer. Remember, Oklahoma is only a 20 hour drive if anyone would like to come see us!!

