Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hey everyone, it has been cute seeing everyone's school pictures! Peyton still has a few years to go but here's some recent pictures of him! They other day I was on the computer and Peyton was just playing in his room. He has a drawer in the bottom of his crib where I keep some of his clothes and diapers, anyway he pulled out all the diapers and climbed in!! I wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing, I could only hear in the background little giggles when I turned to find him successfully in his drawer!

We also went swimming with Dave and Al a while ago, Peyton was a little iffy about the water slide but he always has so much fun in the pool! I think he's a little young for waterslides! :)

Peyton and Julia ( my brothers little girl) were playing the piano the other day at my moms house. They were having the time of their lives pounding away!

Anyway, thing are going well at our house and good luck to everyone in school!!

P.S. - Katie tell Doug we're promoting Russell Electric. (notice Peytons hat). We'll send you the advertisement bill, available in gift cards from Home Depot, Lowes, Texas Roadhouse, the mall, or free work on our house! hee-hee

1 comment:

Alison said...

What cute pictures!! I love that he's into everything. And he and Julia together are darling. They'll have fun together for years to come! And hey, where's the advertising for Robinson Construction? :) It was fun to see pictures of Peyton again. I've missed seeing them!