Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Christmas Anyone???

I am not sure if anyone still checks this blog. It seems like my last post has been on here forever.

I was wondering what your thought were for Christmas. Does anyone want to draw names? If so, do you want to draw families, grandkids only, couples, etc.?

We would love to do anything. It is a great way for our kids to keep intouch with their cousins. If nobody is up to it, we are fine with that too.

Please let me know your thoughts as soon as you can. With Brett, Dave, Doug, and Perry coming out in a few weeks, we could send our gifts home with them!!

I hope all is going well for everyone. We miss the posts and pictures!! Love, Brigit


Debbie said...


I do check the blog and I love it, I've just got to take the time to write. I think we'll opt out as usual on the Christmas thing, but we won't feel bad if the rest of the family does it. Have fun seeing everyone. I am so jealous. Matt is flying out to Utah for Thanksgiving. He has a layover in Denver so I told him if for some reason he gets stuck there overnight he could call you. I hope thats OK. We miss you!

Alison said...

I would love to exchange. I really want to do the kids too. Just because my kids are old enough to be excited about it and we didn't do it last year. I would love to, but I know it gets over-loading when you have a lot of kids. So if no one else wants to thats OK but I'm all for it. And I would love to exchange as couples too. I just remembered we did it as families last year didn't we? Anyway, definately yes! And it really feels like Christmas today with the snow! Thanks for reminding us about this, Brigit. What does everyone else want to do? (does anyone else reads this blog?)