Sunday, December 16, 2007

Santa's Elf

Last weekend Jessica was invited to her friends' ward Christmas party to dress up as an elf. They had the actual costumes that they wore in the movie Elf. They handed out toys to the kids as they sat on Santa's lap. She had a lot of fun.


Ashley Robinson said...

WOW! that is quite the set up for a ward Christmas party! They went all out! Looks like fun!

Brigit said...

What a cute elf!!! It looks like so much fun. Tell Jessica that the invite is still open to come out and stay with me!!! We would love it!

Alison said...

She is Darling! Very cute pictures! Looks like they had a lot of fun. We just watched "Elf" the other night. Now I'll think of Jessica when we see that movie!