Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sports, Sports, and More Sports

Currently, Anna and Mark are both in Soccer and Mark is also in T-Ball. It is so much fun to go and watch their games. They both are really good at soccer. The least amount of goals Mark has scored at a game is 7. (He is lucky to have 4 older siblings to play with him.) Mark is also good at T-Ball. It is so cute to see them out there in their uniforms not knowing where to go. Here are a couple of pictures of Mark. (I will get some of Anna soon. :)


Alison said...

Wow! Mark is quite the little sports guy. He's so cute! It's hard to believe he and Porter are getting old enough to start all that. (Except they have to be almost 5 here to start so Porter has to wait until next year.) I'm impressed Mark is so good with his goals in soccer! He'll have to teach Porter a thing or two when you guys come visit.

Kara said...

How fun for Mark! Nate would LOVE to be able to do that. But, like Alison said, he has to wait until next summer. He looks like a little man in his baseball pants! Can't wait to see some pics of Anna!